During one of the recent MRCC climbing sessions, Andrew Warrington and Roland Sultana got down and dirty again to clear the access path to the climbing area in Wied Babu. With the help of new-comer Harald ‘Scissor-hands’ and a useful little chainsaw he brought with him, they cut away the fallen logs from the access path and moved them over to the sides to allow clear access down the valley.
The Wied Babu access path is used by innumerable climbers, hikers and picnickers on their way down what is undoubtedly one of Malta’s most beautiful valleys. This particular terrace of the valley had a magnificent carob tree, very old and very grand, which formed a dome over the terrace and provided much needed shade during the summer months. It was a popular spot for locals from Zurrieq to set up a BBQ and spend an afternoon relaxing in its shade. A couple of years ago this tree fell victim to fire which was either a careless or vandalistic act, or perhaps the result of lightning striking the tree. Whatever the cause, the trunks of the tree were burnt through and the outer bark could no longer take the weight of the branches and this venerable old tree came crashing down, its thick branches and trunks astride the only access path down Wied Babu.
Wied Babu is again in need of a clean-up to remove the collective discards of the valley’s many visitors. The valley is perhaps a victim of its own beauty, attracting many people who come to enjoy its charms. Not everyone has yet adopted the edict that you must carry out whatever you carry in if the valley is to remain as beautiful and unspoilt as you found it. Only when this simple principle is embraced by all of us can we be sure that our visits to Wied Babu do not leave a negative impact on this wonderful place.