Our latest Beginners’ Session hit the rocks at Ghar Lapsi on Sunday 23rd January with great gusto and boundless enthusiasm among the participants to test their skills and nerve. They all showed their ability from the youngest, Jack Manderson (4yrs) to his dad Matthew (much older!). After they had received their usual briefing on safety and technique, they got kitted up and led in turn to their challenges. They did not disappoint us.
Three top-ropes were set-up for this mixed male/female group of 10 climbers. Starting with an easy warm-up on “Bronwen Buttress”, which everyone sailed up, they progressed to “Twin Caves Pillar” VS 4c, which quite a few made good progress on. The final challenge of the evening, with the light fading fast, was “A Scoopy-do” HVS 5a for those with energy (and finger-skin) remaining. Ben got to the top in good style, Tom and Massimo made a good showing. At this point the light had gone and it was straight off to Rita’s for a wind-down cuppa and a chat…another great day at the cliffs.