More New Routing Activity by the MRCC


The MRCC has been active in installing more new routes for everyone to enjoy, the latest additions being one new route at Rdum Rxawn in Mistra and two and a half new lines at Babu West.

The first route is a parting gift from The Three Wise Men. Before leaving the island they wanted very much to leave a small legacy so they scoured the boulders around Rdum Rxawn and found a line which gave good climbing but had doubtful rock. After a top rope and some consultation with more experienced route setters, we decided to go for it. Using titanium bolts and top anchor supplied by MC Adventure, they bolted the line and had just enough time to send it before leaving the island for good. Since the rock has friable sections and may cause leaders some surprises, they wisely called it: “Not so Wise” 6a+!!

The second route is one that Nicola and I spied while climbing at Babu West and teasing each other over whether to bolt Cat Burglar or leave it trad. We realised that there was no route between Cat Burglar and Caravaggio to the right. We top-roped the rock in between, liked it very much and marked and bolted it during last week. We are hoping to go lead it this coming weekend, expecting a grade of between 6b and 6c. Depending on the outcome of the election, we could call it either L-Aqwa Klajm or I choose Babu! Two more routes (actually one and a half) nearby have been drilled by Nicola and Mark, and will be bolted soon…more on those later.

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