On Good Friday, despite ominous weather in the morning, four climbers braved the threatening skies and made it into the overhanging and forbidding crags of Thaiwand Walls, to spend an afternoon away from the usual hustle and bustle of the more popular crags. It was the first experience of this much talked about (in hushed tones) location for Marina Sciberras, Cheryl Aquilina, and Miriam Gauci, who were led ‘…into my parlor’ by Andrew Warrington. The group abseiled down to reach a small platform facing the open sea. Andrew set up two routes, Lord of the Thais E4 5c and Snatch 6b+ which served as excellent practice for developing arm strength and for diminishing one’s fear of letting go and taking a big whipper away from the rock. Andrew also worked on the moves of another new line that he has his eye on for the near future…
The small group left the crags as it was getting dark, already looking forward to their next visit in order to challenge themselves again on the various demanding routes on offer.