As temperatures dropped below average even for this time of year, the MRCC sought the shelter provided by the caves in Għar Lapsi for the Club’s Sunday event.
While Andrew, Kurt and Roland worked a trad route called Comfortable Shoes E4/5 6a in Hardman’s Cave (McCarthey’s), the less experienced tackled Bonny Prince Albert 5c+. This deceptively easy route was top-roped by Lena, Ruth, Miriam and Rachel. Later on, Miriam, Roland and Duncan moved on to the tougher Just Like Nothing on Earth 7b, making considerable effort to use this route’s few miniscule pockets – Roland was the only one to make it clean to the top. The route represents unfinished business for a lot of climbers, with its smooth vertical wall and overhanging finish.
The group was joined by Daniel and Catherine in the afternoon, who tackled Terry’s Cave Direct VS 4c and Le Droga Le Haxixa E2 5c. Luckily, despite the overcast sky, the rain held back all morning and afternoon, so that everyone managed his or her share of climbing by the end of the event! This did not stop everyone from freezing their cockles (and digits) in the blustery weather that lasted all day…