The MRCC opted to move closer to the sea for last Sunday’s climbing session, in the Wied Babu Zawn area. It is quite a long scramble down under the crags of the West side to finally reach the Zawn, which offers the opportunity for sea level traversing, DWS (some hard lines) and multi-pitch routes, both trad and sport. The sea was unwelcoming so the group focused on the inland routes which extend over 3 pitches on the East side of the valley. The first group to go were led by Kurt Caligari, who was at the sharp end for all 3 pitches on Tridentina HVS 5a, followed by Miriam Gauci and Swiss climber Robin Stoudemann. The climbs were a mix of trad and sport routes, and were relatively easy and pleasant except for one particular overhanging boulder problem which required quite a struggle before all the climbers on that route managed to get over it.
James Herrera and Cheryl Aquilina climbed two adjacent pitches on Rosa di Malta S 4c. Slightly further upstream Andrew Warrington guided his German friend Uschi – a blast from the past with whom he had climbed Phoenicia E1 5b over 15 years ago! – and her 12 year old daughter Laura up Lupo Alberto S 4c, which was not without its challenges for the young climber. They were joined by Marlon Vassallo patiently awaiting his turn to climb.
The group finally retreated from the valley in the intense afternoon heat, once again satisfied with their achievements for the day!