Welcome to the official site of the Malta Rock Climbing Club (MRCC)
The MRCC is Malta’s longest established climbing club, its members being some of the islands’ most passionate and committed hard-core climbers. The club regularly organises events and initiatives, and is responsible for some of the islands’ major climbing projects.
Keep checking back here or join our Facebook group for additional news, posts and features.
New Bolting Stuff
A batch of new Raumer 316 marine steel bolts and lower-offs for installation by the MRCC Bolting Team and enjoyment by everyone! Thanks to all those who came to our Club Climbing Sessions – your contributions helped make this possible, and to www.mcadventure.com.mt that funded the difference between donations and invoice 🙂 thanks also to…
Improving the infrastructure!
Aylwyn and Andrew spent the afternoon improving existing and installing new top anchors on some of the routes on the tower. New anchors on routes 7, 8 and on Predator, abseil ring installed on route 10 to make for a safer descent from all these lines. Such a great place to climb with all those…
New Bolting Activity
For the fun of anyone who likes mid-grades (around 6a) 🙂Climb carefully, as this crag has a pattern of falling things (last thing that fell today was a pliers!), so wear a helmet at the base and also while climbing. Also some rocks may fall while the crag gets more traffic… a big one is at…
New Multi-Pitch Route at Ix-Xaqqa
This is a fun line I had originally led trad (at night?!) last year with Michael Muller. I later decided to convert to sport because of poor gear at the starting pitch. Between work commitments and bad weather it has taken a while but I installed the final 9 bolts (28 bolts + 3 chain…
More Defective Nutters!
Taking advantage of some free time over the Christmas holidays, the MRCC Bolting Team has done some more replacement of defective nuts, this time at Għar Lapsi. Over the last few days we have replaced defective nuts in a couple of sectors at Lapsi’s crags. These include the Commando Ratlines Butress and Learning to Fly…