The idea for this particular cleanup came from Richard Abela on the occasion of Clean Up the World Day 2004. Richie together with the members of the MRCC, the Cospicua Venture Scout Unit and the cooperation of the Zurrieq local council, started the day rigging up a rope and pulley system in Wied Babu with which to cart out the sacks of rubbish that the other helpers were collecting from the valley floor. The day’s efforts resulted in a thorough clean-up of Wied Babu and after that also Xaqqa Valley. This left a lasting impression. Both valleys looked renewed after years of dumping had spoiled the environment there…is it now time for someone to take up the baton again?
We climb in areas of outstanding beauty. Yet despite the popularity of these sites with our fellow climbers and other members of the public, it is amazing that the environment there is still subject to a lot of abuse in the form of litter and waste dumped by unscrupulous or uneducated individuals.
Cleanups such as this one are a good way of clearing away years of accumulated junk but we also appeal to all those who frequent those parts of Malta that are unspoiled by building developement to do their part in protecting the ambiance, geology, flora and fauna of the Maltese Islands for everyone to enjoy. Always follow established footpaths, carry out all your litter and leave the environment you have enjoyed in the same or better condition than you found it in.